The Mind Talk

The Mindtalk

Loneliness Awareness: Navigating the Unspoken Realities of New Fatherhood

June marks Father’s Day and Loneliness Awareness Month – illustration of a baby’s hand grasping father’s finger and the words Happy Father’s Day in blue.

It’s Father’s Day this month. A special shout out to all the new dads. Now that we’re in the spotlight over Mom for once (amirite?), I’m reflecting on one of my favorite unexpected blessings of fatherhood: how much I learn from my kids. What a deadbeat. I’m the one who’s supposed to do the teaching, […]

Empty Nest Syndrome: Navigating the Bittersweet Journey of Parental Transition

Empty Nest Syndrome illustration – parents wave goodbye to young adult daughter holding her suitcase and passport at the airport.

As our children spread their wings and leave the nest, we are often left with a bittersweet mix of emotions. Pride, joy, and anticipation for their future are intertwined with a sense of loss, loneliness, and uncertainty about our own and their lives. This emotional rollercoaster known as Empty Nest Syndrome (ENS) is one many […]

Maintaining Maternal Mental Health: Signs and Symptoms of Perinatal Depression

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month illustration of a blue-haired mother wearing a red top cradling her baby swaddled in white.

May is recognized as Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about perinatal depression, which encompasses prenatal depression and postpartum depression. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), approximately 10% of pregnant women and 13% of women who have recently given birth face mental health challenges, primarily in the form […]

Mental Health and Parenting : Navigating Cultural Diversity

Mental Health and Parenting : Navigating Cultural Diversity

For all its benefits, reconciling cultural differences can impact mental health. A vibrant and diverse city, Hong Kong is a cultural melting pot where East meets West. Cultural diversity enriches the fabric of everyday life: parents and children are exposed to a wide array of languages, traditions, and customs proven to foster a sense of […]