The Mind Talk

The Mindtalk

Welcome to the mindtalk

An online magazine dedicated to exploring and promoting mental health and well-being. Our mission is to provide a safe and inclusive space where individuals can find insightful articles, practical tips, and inspiring stories about mental health.

It’s Father’s Day this month. A special shout out to all the new dads. Now that we’re in the spotlight over Mom …

One of the earliest conversations you may have had with your child may involve their declaration of their gender identity: they are …

As our children spread their wings and leave the nest, we are often left with a bittersweet mix of emotions. Pride, joy, …

May is recognized as Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about perinatal depression, which encompasses prenatal depression …

Is your child one of the many millions of young people sitting their exams this summer? Nerves before an exam are natural …

As my fellow countryman William Wallace said “Every man dies. Not every man truly lives”. Here is how I turned my death …

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis, a psychodynamic approach first developed by Eric Berne in 1961, is based on the premise that we all have three …

“The youth is the hope of our future.” – Jose Rizal. The younger generation carries a beacon of hope within them, guiding …

What do high-achieving individuals like Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Michael Phelps, Simone Bile, Liv Tyler and Emma Watson have in common? They …

When Covid insidiously took over the world, it highlighted the importance of maintaining healthy habits to maintain and sustain physical and mental …

For all its benefits, reconciling cultural differences can impact mental health. A vibrant and diverse city, Hong Kong is a cultural melting …