How Physical Intelligence Can Reduce Stress and Boost Well-being?

Imagine navigating a high-stakes workday with the same ease and clarity as an Olympic athlete executing a perfect routine. What if there were more to mental resilience than just doing a 10-minute meditation in the morning? Wouldn’t you want to read on to gain your edge in navigating the demands of modern life? This is […]
Mindfulness Beyond Stillness: Embracing the Rhythm of Woodworking

Mindfulness is a practice that has received much attention due to its impact on one’s wellbeing. Very often it is associated with sitting in mediation. This could be off-putting for some. In our conversation Sne and Emmy discuss how mindfulness need not mean just meditation. Active mindfulness can equally create a sense of wellbeing. Can […]
Vision to Reality: How to Manifest Your Goals in the New Year

As we step into the New Year once again, we arrive at an opportunity to reflect, reset and recreate. While self-reflection could be a daily practice, most people do a little extra during the New Year as it symbolizes fresh beginnings, offering us a chance to assess what’s been working and what we can shift […]
Trust your Gut Feeling: How Gut Health Influences Mental Health and Wellbeing

The human body is like a symphony, with all parts working in harmony to sustain health. While the brain is often seen as the conductor, modern science suggests the gut may hold a leading role, influencing physical health, sleep quality, and mental health. As Hippocrates once said, “All disease begins in the gut,” and current […]
From Change to Growth: Transition Coaching for Mental Health and Wellbeing

The concept of coaching has evolved significantly since its origins in sports during the 1880s. Today, it extends beyond physical training and executive coaching to encompass various aspects of personal development, including mental health and wellbeing. As defined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), coaching is “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process […]
Demystifying the Role of Sleep and How to Use It to Support Mental Health

In a fast-paced city like Hong Kong, sleep often takes a backseat to work, family, or personal time. A 2024, Department of Psychiatry at CUHK Medicine study, involving 5,500 participants found that 40% suffered from moderate to severe insomnia. Meanwhile, an ESDlife survey of 704 residents revealed that 74% had poor sleep quality, and 83% […]
Embracing Menopause: Understanding the changes, signs, and symptoms

Menopause is a natural event that affects half of humankind, but there is no universal experience. Based on natural menopause alone it is estimated that the number of menopausal women worldwide will reach 1.1 billion by 2030; yet, why is it that we still know so little about it? The stigma that surrounds menopause and […]
Welcoming the new Academic Year : Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children for a smooth start

As the summer comes to an end, many children are gearing up to head back to the classroom and this comes with a host of stressors for children and parents alike. However, a little planning could help both you and your child’s wellbeing as they shift from the summer schedule to a daily school routine. […]
Practical Tips for Emotional & Mental Health Wellness

When Covid insidiously took over the world, it highlighted the importance of maintaining healthy habits to maintain and sustain physical and mental health. During this difficult period, people responded to the challenges in various ways, including experiencing feelings of deep depression and grappling with different anxiety and mental challenges. Some found solace and support in […]