The Mind Talk

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2024 Community Business Awards : Celebrating the achievements of organisations and individuals in Asia who are champions of DE&I and Wellbeing

Poster for the 2024 Community Award Ceremony: vibrant design featuring event details and a call to action to buy tickets now.

The Community Business Awards celebrates leaders (organisations and individuals) across Asia who have worked passionately and achieved great strides in diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellbeing. This year marks the second year of the awards with an impressive list of finalists with significant achievements in their categories. The awards will be held on the 5th of […]

Navigating Adversities Through Compassion and Gratitude : My Transformative Story

Facing challenges with compassion and gratitude. Standing resilient.

Disruption can either empower us or haunt us. The personal impact of unexpected life events depends on the meaning we choose to give them. Experiencing self-harm as a teenager, health scares, being made redundant while I was sick and dealing with dad guilt were some of the challenges I had to learn how to navigate. […]

My Morning Routine: Developing healthy habits

"Hands cradle a half-bowl shaped like Earth, with a single drop of water poised to fall into it, symbolizing care for the planet and its resources."

I am an ardent lover of self-help books and enjoy reading the wisdom and sometimes applying it to my own life. One thing common that I have seen across several self-help books meant to create powerful personalities is the call to have solid morning routines. While I am an early morning bird did not really […]

Breastfeeding and Mental Health: Navigating the Modern Maternal World

Breastfeeding and mental health. A new mother lovingly holds on to her infant.

As a registered nurse, it is important for me to acknowledge the promotion of breastfeeding and educate all its benefits to mothers. Beyond its nutritional advantages, breastfeeding offers crucial protection against diseases through antibody transfer between mother and child. Additionally, it can reduce the mother’s risk of certain diseases, such as breast and ovarian cancer […]

Covering mental health and suicide responsibly in Hong Kong : The journalist’s ethical duty

Presenting news on mental health and suicide. A guide for journalists.

Sensational headlines can stigmatise people facing psychological difficulties and discourage them from seeking help, which makes it imperative for journalists in Hong Kong to provide coverage that is responsible, informed and balanced. This is especially important at a time when many Hong Kong people are facing psychological challenges: A recent study showed that more than […]

Relocation and your mental health Coping strategies when making a move

Relocation and mental health illustration: moving boxes with a pink background

Hong Kong is an exhilarating place. Time lapse videos of the city reveal a perpetually lit up skyline with headlights speeding back and forth across a spiderweb city grid. It’s a unique collection of mixed cultures and languages, attracting people from all over the world. Yet the factors that have attracted so many to make […]

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy : What it is, how it works and the benefits

Hands holding green human head profile with the words “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy” for mental health benefits

Hong Kong mother Jane* was struggling with excessive worry and anxiety, which was affecting her daily life and relationships. She felt unable to leave her baby in the care of others, including her helper and husband. She shared she had had difficulty conceiving and that, after several miscarriages, this was her miracle baby. She was […]

Loneliness Awareness: Navigating the Unspoken Realities of New Fatherhood

June marks Father’s Day and Loneliness Awareness Month – illustration of a baby’s hand grasping father’s finger and the words Happy Father’s Day in blue.

It’s Father’s Day this month. A special shout out to all the new dads. Now that we’re in the spotlight over Mom for once (amirite?), I’m reflecting on one of my favorite unexpected blessings of fatherhood: how much I learn from my kids. What a deadbeat. I’m the one who’s supposed to do the teaching, […]