Changing Face of a Ship’s Culture: Why mental health and wellbeing of seafarers is crucial

Seafaring is about managing constant changes. For those at sea, there is adaption to new technology, new skills, and an array of regulations to manage. While seafarers deal well with such change, there is one that is threatening the very nature of what it is to go to sea, and that is the breaking apart […]
Life on the Waves: Navigating the Mental Health Terrain of the Seafaring Profession

Many perceive the seafaring profession as a challenging career path. As a deck cadet serving on my first merchant ship for nearly six months, I can attest that the seafaring lifestyle can indeed be tough and mentally taxing. The mentally taxing aspects of the seafaring lifestyle stem from the constant need for vigilance and responsibility […]
Mental Health & Wellbeing of Seafarers: A Comprehensive Guide

The World Health Organization (WHO, 2022) offers a comprehensive definition of health: “a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This perspective highlights the multifaceted nature of health, emphasizing that mental and social aspects are as crucial as physical well-being. In tandem, WHO defines wellness as […]
My Battle with Burnout: insights and reflections through self- discovery

Tuesday 4th Jan 2022 was the first time that I admitted something was wrong. Feelings of being overwhelmed, overwrought, panicked (with no real reason), wrung out and a sense of emptiness had overcome me. My wife found me in heap on the floor crying. With no real reason to explain why I was in that […]
Wellness as a Journey: Embracing Heritage, Community, and ESG Principles

The Essence of Wellness Wellness is not merely a concept to me; it is a journey intricately woven through my roots, aspirations, and experiences. Born and raised in Hong Kong as a Punjabi, I’ve come to appreciate the rich blend of cultural traditions and the fast-paced capitalist landscape of my city. Over the years, I’ve […]
Demystifying the Role of Sleep and How to Use It to Support Mental Health

In a fast-paced city like Hong Kong, sleep often takes a backseat to work, family, or personal time. A 2024, Department of Psychiatry at CUHK Medicine study, involving 5,500 participants found that 40% suffered from moderate to severe insomnia. Meanwhile, an ESDlife survey of 704 residents revealed that 74% had poor sleep quality, and 83% […]
Beyond Obsessions and Compulsions: Finding Peace with OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a term that is often misused in everyday conversations. Many people casually refer to it when discussing someone who prefers order or cleanliness, reinforcing a stereotype that portrays OCD as merely a quirk or personality trait. However, this perception, heavily influenced by media portrayals, does a disservice to those who genuinely […]
Lindsey McAllister – Mentoring the next generation of Hong Kong to find courage, authenticity and creativity through theatre

In a vibrant conversation with Lindsey McAllister, we explore her transformative journey from being inspired by a mentor to becoming a guiding light for young people in Hong Kong. Lindsey, known for her bold and colourful style, exudes the same brightness in her personality. Our chat revealed the passion and dedication she brings to her […]
Janet Ledger of Community Business: Creating a world where DEI and belonging are at the forefront

“Belonging is the missing piece in diversity, equity, and inclusion” says Janet Ledger, CEO of Community Business. As someone who worked in a male dominated industry often, she felt like she did not belong, based on her gender and her socio-economic status amongst other things. For Janet, it is important that everyone feels heard and […]
Hope for love: Can couples’ counselling rescue your marriage?

Relationship psychologist Barbara De Angelis reminds us, “Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It is something you do”. Part of “doing marriage” entails keeping our relationships in good health. A good marriage is not created by luck, it is created by effort. Perhaps your marriage may benefit from […]