The Mind Talk

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the mind talk


Mental health therapy is an important part of one’s healing journey.  It is a collaborative process between the individual and the trained mental health therapist or counsellor. A more traditional view is that therapy is important for those suffering from mental health disorders. However, more and more people vouch for the effects therapy has on their mental health and wellbeing.

Therapy brings awareness to the mental health processes of an individual bringing self-acceptance, developing coping mechanisms and fostering personal growth. The effect is evident in one’s cognitions, feelings and behaviours. If one seeking optimum mental fitness, then seeking some professional therapy could create a roadmap to set off on the path of evolution.

Finding the right therapist and the right therapy technique is crucial to having a successful therapeutic alliance. Through this magazine we invite therapists in Hong Kong who work with different therapy models so that our readers can explore which model best suits their mental health needs. Seeking professional support could help an individual embark on a journey of healing and transformation.

Through the magazine we would like to normalize therapy and destigmatize mental health. By providing information on various therapy models and techniques, resources we hope that we could start discussion on the transformative power of therapy.

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